Faith & Practice

Dan Trippie Blog: Navigating the Complexities of Life in a Rapidly Shifting Culture

man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt

Chaotic or Creative? How to Have Better Conflict

Conflict is the spirit of our age. It fills our news feeds while emptying our souls. Conflict is a leading contributor to mental and emotional stress, which often leads to decreased physical health. According to a study by Nunzia Nappo, there is a strong correlation between interpersonal conflict, employee burnout, and worker retention rates. It’s not a mystery that conflict touches every aspect of our human experience. But conflict is not necessarily a bad thing.

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An Encouraging New Year’s Message from the Mall

I visited the mall Christmas week. There is so much inspiration to be found in the mall’s messages. A banner gracefully hung from the rafters declared, “Refresh your wardrobe,” subtly nudging patrons to consider how outdated and frumpy they are.  Another marquee boldly declared, “Treat yourself, you’re worth it,” implying that “self-indulgence is a virtue, not a vice.” I am especially encouraged by the store Forever 21 as I prepare to celebrate another birthday. Forever

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Love in a post-Christian world

Love in a post-Christian world

The cultural landscape has changed in America. Our nation is quickly losing the principles that once bound us together. Institutions that once offered a vision of stability are eroding. And public figures that once engaged our imaginations have lost credibility. Consequently, our culture is collapsing under the weight of distrust and the lack of a cohesive vision — polarization and tribalism are hollowing out the unity of our nation. This is our reality in post-Christian

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Listening as Protest

Listening as Protest

The plate is full, but the utensils do not move––nothing moves––time stands still and the showdown begins. If you have raised a child, then you know the drill. The dinner protest: arms folded, stiff upper lip and the stony stare––they are dug in. There is no more reasoning once the child has moved from listening to protest. Protest is a powerful instrument to declare our opinions and make our thoughts known. And when citizens join

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Will and Reason 1

Making a decision?

God’s will is a concept that is confused in our finite minds. Sincere Christians genuinely want to obey God and follow his path, but often they find themselves perplexed. Should I move to a new city or stay put? Is this job the right job or am I to do something else? How can I know what God wants for my future? Over my years of pastoral ministry, I have seen people paralyzed trying to

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